
there's no denying the fact that i have been a shopaholic before. everytime i go to a mall, i'd always end up loaded with tons of stuff. some of them i need, some i didn't need. i bought quite a lot of stuff that i only used once and that i didn't even use. i'd keep them just in case time will come that i will be needing their service but sometimes, i'll end up just throwing or giving them away to declutter my already cramped up room.

that was before when i was still a corporate employee. when paychecks are guaranteed to be received every 2 weeks. when i get 17 months of pay due to incentives and bonuses. when my salary is waaaay bigger than what i'm currently earning. now that i'm self-employed, things have changed. i will not go into the details of it, but i just have to say that it's what taught me to be more practical in life. i learned to buy only the essential stuff i need. well sometimes i still buy out of impulse but it rarely happens now. i learned to join the crowd in sale periods for that ultimate bargain hunt. i learned that brands doesn't define you, it's in how you handle yourself (or your clothes and accessories), therefore, i now shop in tiangges/bazaars which i enjoy more coz of the unique pieces at affordable prices. because a true fashionista can look good in anything she wears. more importantly, i always think twice before going to the cashier and paying for that uber cute signature blouse that is equivalent to or even more than my family's weekly grocery. it has become a habit that before i purchase an expensive item, i always think of what's better worth of my money than just something that will cover my body/feet or will serve as a decoration for my bare neck/ear/arm.

i know and i feel there's still that shopaholic inside of me. oftentimes, i'm satisfied with just window shopping and trying clothes on. sometimes i'm happy with it. but when i see something that i really like and it haunts me in my dreams, i still go back and buy it after a few days. at least now i give it time to think about. it's actually my new shopping policy: if i keep thinking of it, then it's probably worth buying.