it might be a bit late for me to post my christmas wishlist but better be late than never. 1. 1 year gym membership - because my tummy and l...

it might be a bit late for me to post my christmas wishlist but better be late than never. 1. 1 year gym membership - because my tummy and l...
wanna know how much of a blog whore i am? i have 10 personal blogs and 51 blog sites that i frequently visit. 3 of my blogs are already non-...
after the fury of milenyo hit the city, we were left with no water and electricity. A slight predicament, I would say, compared to those liv...
9/5/06 I love surprises. Really really really love. I, however, don’t get surprises that often. Once a year maybe? Well I don’t give that mu...
haven't been here for long. truth is i'm having mixed emotions lately. well, just some random musings... -- when i love, i do everyt...
after years of doubt, i think i finally have proof that my little brother might be *gulp* gay. i have nothing against gay people but to disc...
for the past couple of days, our home seems to be enveloped by some kind of dark spirit trying to lure members of my family into its lair. a...
i was able to catch the ending of a show in discovery channel which is called top 10 weird foods. #1 on the list is our very own BALUT (boil...
i started the day with a bad news. the canadian owners of my dad's company decided to stop its philippine operations which barely even s...
A Detour is a choice between two tasks, each with its own pros and cons. Teams must successfully complete one of the tasks described on the...
i am impressed by people who display a cheerful facade no matter how big their problems may seem. take our laundrywoman for example, she nev...
it's a rainy friday evening. b and i are soaking in the tub, losing ourselves in the sweet aroma of the body shop's vanilla bubble b...
dear b, thank you for always being patient with me. i have no right to blame my hormones for my behavior because i know i can choose not to ...
i am no writer. this blog is just another one of my continuous attempts to post sensible stories about my life. the first ones didn't ex...