
...older and wiser? doesn't apply to all
...i'm almost 30 and still have no kids. but i still don't think i'm ready for that
...there are rude, immature and insensitive persons and blatantly displays it for everyone to see
...some people really just do it for the money and the real intentions show up right in everyone's face when they themselves or their partners tell up stories
...i'm soooo lucky to have my man
...b and i can get lost in our own little world even with a pool of people around
...there's one who was born and grew up rich and yet very practical...i was a bit shocked at her outlook and priorities in life
...and then there's one who's the exact opposite, living a luxurious life at the expense of others
...one very important thing in a relationship is compromise, without it, it's a disaster
...i still don't get drunk easily...had most of the hard drinks and still stood sober
...it's really really nice meeting up with old friends, more fun when there's booze around