
maundy thursday every year is visita iglesia with family. last year i was in singapore so i wasn't able to join. this year, i'm married and my husband is not a follower of tradition so we're gonna be staying home the whole holy week.

i somehow miss doing the activities with the family and joining the rest of the catholic community in commemorating the lenten season. but with all the work we had to do these past months, i must admit that i'm embracing this idea of rest. add the fact that with all those traditions and what-nots, it still doesn't change the situation of our lives, or more specifically, of our country.

my family is a regular churchgoer. i was, too, until i got married. b is a non-practicing catholic and i tried convincing him to go to mass but he ended up convincing me instead. what he told me makes sense, actually. some people i know regularly go to church twice a week and yet most of the time their petty arguments turn into a full-blown drama. and then there's the story of a religious man who was guilty of multiple homicide. so i wonder, how can that be when they listen to the word of God? ironic, isn't it.

one particular thing to consider these days is the issue of the RH bill. when i see signs opposing it, only one word comes to mind, hypocrisy. i'm sorry but it's the truth on how i feel. and reading this just blew my mind off. unbelievable.

i don't know the details of the said bill but i pretty much get the idea of it. something about public access to contraceptives...about population control. and i don't think they have plans of legalizing abortion so why is the catholic church against it? if Jesus would be here in our time, would he rather see lots of children getting hungry who would later on turn into crooks to survive in life because their parents cannot provide for them or try to prevent these scenarios from happening? of course no one would know the answer but come to think of it, which is the greater good here? the life of the teeny weeny sperm/egg or the life of the children who would suffer the harsh times?