
first month...

...spent 4 days at one of the best resorts in the country. the resort staff gave us a couple of surprises which is only one of the many reasons why we enjoyed our vacay. the resort itself is breathtaking and the things one can do there can blow you away. in the duration that we were there, we've gone rapelling down a cave and explored 3 of its chambers, rode a hobie cat during sunset, jumped to our heart's content at their water trampoline, had a romantic dinner setup by the beach, drove an atv on top of the hill to watch the first sunrise in the country (with coffee and bread to perk us early birds), toured the city, and did lots of photoshoot. hadn't it been for my accident - tripped on the pavement coz of excitement and bruised my head, elbow and knee - we would've done more. that trip was exceptional, it was one of the best days in our life.

...bought a new lcd tv with home theater system which b is enjoying as of the moment while i'm typing away on his iphone

...spent our gifts buying new furnishings for our room

...transferred all office related stuff to the other room which makes it our working place at home

...revamped our room to make it more cozy and we love love love the outcome. still have to buy carpet and bedside lamp though

...escaped from office to watched eclipse at gb3

...spent a couple of movie nights at home

...grilled chops to celebrate our first month